First sequential foundation course 2016-17


The First Sequential Foundation Course 2016-17 for strengthening the teaching of  Mathematics, Science and English in Deeni Madaris run between August 27 till September 3, 2016 at C-9, Zakir Bagh, AMU, Aligarh has been completed successfully.

This course was the conducted as first joint activity of Manappat Foundation (MF) and School education Trust for the Disadvantaged (SETD) under the able chairmanship of Prof. Rashid Hayat Siddiqui.




A total of 17 participants, most of them new teachers in Madaris and two internal candidates.

The highly experienced teachers, most of them present and previous faculty members of AMU, were engaged in teaching the participants. The contents of the Course were designed in modular form to educate the participants in the three subjects according to NCERT syllabus of class VI level.


The participants were given classroom lectures and tutorial sessions daily to strengthen their understanding of new concepts and their details.

An expectation and feedback survey was also conducted on participants. The participants appreciated the teaching effort as well as stay arrangement and were keen to return for the next sequence.


The Second Sequential Foundation Course for this batch will be conducted from October 1 to 8, 2016